cURL Python


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cd api-examples/images

MathpixOCR recognizes printed and handwritten STEM document content, including math, text, tables, and chemistry diagrams, from an image, stroke data, or a PDF file. The returned content for an image or stroke data may be Mathpix Markdown, LaTeX, AsciiMath, MathML, or HTML. For a PDF file the content is also available as docx.

This page describes the MathpixOCR requests and responses. If you have any questions or problems, please send email to


Using server side API keys

Include the following headers in every request:

  "app_id": "APP_ID",
  "app_key": "APP_KEY"

Every MathpixOCR server side request should include two headers: app_id to identify your application and app_key to authorize access to the service. You can find your API key on your account dashboard at

Note: never include your API keys inside client side code. Such API keys can easily be stolen by hackers by inspecting the app binary. If you want to make direct requests from client side code to the API, use app tokens, described below.

Using client side app tokens

To get a temporary app_token, do the following:

curl -X POST -H 'app_key: APP_KEY'
import requests

url = ""
headers = {
    "app_key": "APP_KEY"

response =, headers=headers)


This then returns an app_token value which can be used as an app_token header to authenticate requests:

  "app_token": "token_e06840c31fbfd28c2aba38207e417c4e",
  "app_token_expires_at": "1649699265744"

You can also create short lived client side tokens to make requests from clients (for example mobile apps) directly to Mathpix OCR servers. This reduces the need for customers to proxy their requests through their server to secure the requests. As such, it avoids an additional network hop, resulting in improved latency.

To get a temporary app token on your server to hand off to a client, use your API key to make a request to:


The app_token will last for 5 minutes, after which requests will return HTTP status 401 (unauthorized). In such cases, the client can request an additional app token. Requests to create app tokens are free of charge.

With app_token, you only need a single authenticated route on your servers to get an app_token for your user. This means you do not need to worry about proxying image requests to our servers.

We have designed app tokens for individual image and digital ink requests (strokes) only. As such, app tokens have the following limitations when compared to API keys:

Note: the app tokens feature is in beta and is being actively developed.

Request JSON parameters:

Parameter Type Description
include_strokes_session_id (optional) boolean Return a strokes_session_id value that can be used for live update drawing, see v3/strokes for more info
expires (optional) number (seconds) Specifies how long the app_token will last. The Default is 300 seconds. Values can range from 30 - 43200 seconds (12 hours) for an app_token and from 30 - 300 seconds (5 minutes) for a request with include_strokes_session_id

Response JSON parameters:

Parameter Type Description
app_token string App token to be used in headers of v3/text, v3/latex, or v3/strokes requests
strokes_session_id (optional) string if requested via, include_strokes_session_id, you can use this value to take advantage of our live digital ink pricing and SDKs, see v3/strokes
app_token_expires_at number (seconds) Specifies when the app_token will expire in Unix time

Process an image

Example image:


JSON request body to send an image URL:

  "src": "",
  "formats": ["text", "data"],
  "data_options": {
    "include_asciimath": true


  "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0046418966250847404,
  "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
  "confidence": 0.9849104881286621,
  "confidence_rate": 0.9849104881286621,
  "data": [
      "type": "asciimath",
      "value": "f(x)={[x^(2),\" if \"x<0],[2x,\" if \"x>=0]:}"
  "is_handwritten": true,
  "is_printed": false,
  "request_id": "eec691de4cad35bcf5cfad28d865278b",
  "text": "\\( f(x)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}x^{2} & \\text { if } x<0 \\\\ 2 x & \\text { if } x \\geq 0\\end{array}\\right. \\)",
  "version": "RSK-M100"


To process an image with MathpixOCR, a client may post a form to v3/text containing the image file and a single form field options_json specifying the desired options. Alternatively, a client may post a JSON body to v3/text containing a link to the image in the src field along with the desired options. For backward compatibility a client also may post a JSON body containing the base64 encoding of the image in the src field.

The response body is JSON containing the recognized content and information about the recognition. The text field contains Mathpix Markdown, including math as LaTeX inside inline delimiters \( ... \) and block mode delimiters \[ .... \]. Chemistry diagrams are returned as <smiles>...</smiles> where ... is the SMILES (simplified molecular-input line-entry system) representation of chemistry diagrams. Lines are separated with \n newline characters. In some cases (e.g., multiple choice equations) horizontally-aligned content will be flattened into different lines.

We also provide structured data results via the data and html options. The data output returns a list of extracted formats (such as tsv for tables, or asciimath for equations). The html output provides annotated HTML compatible with HTML/XML parsers.

Request parameters

Example of sending an image URL:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json

r ="",
            "src": "",
            "math_inline_delimiters": ["$", "$"],
            "rm_spaces": True
            "app_id": "APP_ID",
            "app_key": "APP_KEY",
            "Content-type": "application/json"
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
curl -X POST \
-H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
-H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"src": "", "math_inline_delimiters": ["$", "$"], "rm_spaces": true}'

Send an image file:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json

r ="",
    files={"file": open("cases_hw.jpg","rb")},
      "options_json": json.dumps({
        "math_inline_delimiters": ["$", "$"],
        "rm_spaces": True
        "app_id": "APP_ID",
        "app_key": "APP_KEY"
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
curl -X POST \
-H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
-H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--form 'file=@"cases_hw.jpg"' \
--form 'options_json="{\"math_inline_delimiters\": [\"$\", \"$\"], \"rm_spaces\": true}"'


  "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0046418966250847404,
  "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
  "confidence": 0.9849104881286621,
  "confidence_rate": 0.9849104881286621,
  "is_handwritten": true,
  "is_printed": false,
  "latex_styled": "f(x)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}\nx^{2} & \\text { if } x<0 \\\\\n2 x & \\text { if } x \\geq 0\n\\end{array}\\right.",
  "request_id": "bd02af63ef187492c085331c60151d98",
  "text": "$f(x)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll}x^{2} & \\text { if } x<0 \\\\ 2 x & \\text { if } x \\geq 0\\end{array}\\right.$",
  "version": "RSK-M100"
  "src": "",
  "formats": ["text", "data", "html"],
  "data_options": {
    "include_asciimath": true,
    "include_latex": true
Parameter Type Description
src (optional) string Image URL
metadata (optional) object Key-value object
tags (optional) [string] Tags are lists of strings that can be used to identify results. see query image results
async (optional) [bool] This flag is to be used when sending non-interactive requests
callback (optional) object Callback object
formats (optional) [string] List of formats, one of text, data, html, latex_styled, see Format Descriptions
data_options (optional) object See DataOptions section, specifies outputs for data and html return fields
include_detected_alphabets (optional) bool Return detected alphabets
alphabets_allowed (optional) object See AlphabetsAllowed section, use this to specify which alphabets you don't want in the output
region (optional) object Specify the image area with the pixel coordinates top_left_x, top_left_y, width, and height
enable_blue_hsv_filter (optional) bool Enables a special mode of image processing where it OCRs blue hue text exclusively, default false.
confidence_threshold (optional) number in [0,1] Specifies threshold for triggering confidence errors
confidence_rate_threshold (optional) number in [0,1] Specifies threshold for triggering confidence errors, default 0.75 (symbol level threshold)
include_line_data (optional) bool Specifies whether to return information segmented line by line, see LineData object section for details
include_word_data (optional) bool Specifies whether to return information segmented word by word, see WordData object section for details
include_smiles (optional) bool Enable experimental chemistry diagram OCR, via RDKIT normalized SMILES with isomericSmiles=False, included in text output format, via MMD SMILES syntax <smiles>...</smiles>
include_inchi (optional) bool Include InChI data as XML attributes inside <smiles> elements, for examples <smiles inchi="..." inchikey="...">...</smiles>; only applies when include_smiles is true
include_geometry_data (optional) bool Enable data extraction for geometry diagrams (currently only supports triangle diagrams); see GeometryData
auto_rotate_confidence_threshold (optional) number in [0,1] Specifies threshold for auto rotating image to correct orientation; by default it is set to 0.99, can be disabled with a value of 1 (see Auto rotation section for details)
rm_spaces (optional) bool Determines whether extra white space is removed from equations in latex_styled and text formats. Default is true.
rm_fonts (optional) bool Determines whether font commands such as \mathbf and \mathrm are removed from equations in latex_styled and text formats. Default is false.
idiomatic_eqn_arrays (optional) bool Specifies whether to use aligned, gathered, or cases instead of an array environment for a list of equations. Default is false.
idiomatic_braces (optional) bool Specifies whether to remove unnecessary braces for LaTeX output. When true, x^2 is returned instead of x^{2}. Default is false.
numbers_default_to_math (optional) bool Specifies whether numbers are always math, e.g., Answer: \( 17 \) instead of Answer: 17. Default is false.
math_inline_delimiters (optional) [string, string] Specifies begin inline math and end inline math delimiters for text outputs. Default is ["\\(", "\\)"].
math_display_delimiters (optional) [string, string] Specifies begin display math and end display math delimiters for text outputs. Default is ["\\[", "\\]"].
enable_spell_check bool Enables a predictive mode for English handwriting that takes word frequencies into account; this option is skipped when the language is not detected as English; incorrectly spelled words that are clearly written will not be changed, this predictive mode is only enabled when the underlying word is visually ambiguous, see here for an example.
enable_tables_fallback bool Enables advanced table processing algorithm that supports very large and complex tables. Defaults to false

Format descriptions

MathpixOCR returns strings in one of the selected formats:

Format Description
text Mathpix Markdown
html HTML rendered from text via mathpix-markdown-it
data Data computed from text as specified in the data_options request parameter
latex_styled Styled Latex, returned only in cases that the whole image can be reduced to a single equation

DataOptions object

Data options are used to return elements of the image output. These outputs are all computed from the text format described above.

Key Type Description
include_svg (optional) bool include math SVG in html and data formats
include_table_html (optional) bool include HTML for html and data outputs (tables only)
include_latex (optional) bool include math mode latex in data and html
include_tsv (optional) bool include tab separated values (TSV) in data and html outputs (tables only)
include_asciimath (optional) bool include asciimath in data and html outputs
include_mathml (optional) bool include mathml in data and html outputs

Response body

Get an API response:

  "confidence": 0.9982182085336344,
  "confidence_rate": 0.9982182085336344,
  "is_printed": false,
  "is_handwritten": true,
  "data": [
      "type": "asciimath",
      "value": "lim_(x rarr3)((x^(2)+9)/(x-3))"
      "type": "latex",
      "value": "\\lim _{x \\rightarrow 3}\\left(\\frac{x^{2}+9}{x-3}\\right)"
  "html": "<div><span  class=\"math-inline \" >\n<asciimath style=\"display: none;\">lim_(x rarr3)((x^(2)+9)/(x-3))</asciimath><latex style=\"display: none\">\\lim _{x \\rightarrow 3}\\left(\\frac{x^{2}+9}{x-3}\\right)</latex></span></div>\n",
  "text": "\\( \\lim _{x \\rightarrow 3}\\left(\\frac{x^{2}+9}{x-3}\\right) \\)"
Field Type Description
request_id string Request ID, for debugging purposes
text (optional) string Recognized text format, if such is found
latex_styled (optional) string Math Latex string of math equation, if the image is of a single equation
confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability 100% correct
confidence_rate (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated confidence of output quality
line_data (optional) [object] List of LineData objects
word_data (optional) [object] List of WordData objects
data (optional) [object] List of Data objects
html (optional) string Annotated HTML output
detected_alphabets (optional) [object] DetectedAlphabet object
is_printed (optional) bool Specifies if printed content was detected in an image
is_handwritten (optional) bool Specifies if handwritten content was detected in an image
auto_rotate_confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability that image needs to be rotated, see Auto rotation
geometry_data (optional) [object] List of GeometryData objects
auto_rotate_degrees (optional) number in {0, 90, -90, 180} Estimated angle of rotation in degrees to put image in correct orientation, see Auto rotation
error (optional) string US locale error message
error_info (optional) object Error info object
version string This string is opaque to clients and only useful as a way of understanding differences in results for requests using the same image. Our service relies on training data, the service implementation, and the underlying platforms we run on (e.g., AWS, PyTorch). Initially, the version string will only change when the training data or process changes, but in the future we might provide additional distinctions between versions.

Data object

Data objects allow extracting the math elements from an OCR result.

Field Type Description
type string one of asciimath, mathml, latex, svg, tsv
value string value corresponding to type

DetectedAlphabet object

The detected_alphabets object in a result contains a field that is true of false for each known alphabet. The field is true if any characters from the alphabet are recognized in the image, regardless of whether any of the result fields contain the characters.

Field Type Description
en bool English
hi bool Hindi Devanagari
zh bool Chinese
ja bool Kana Hiragana or Katakana
ko bool Hangul Jamo
ru bool Russian
th bool Thai
ta bool Tamil
te bool Telugu
gu bool Gujarati
bn bool Bengali
vi bool Vietnamese

AlphabetsAllowed object

  "formats": ["text"],
  "alphabets_allowed": {
    "hi": false,
    "zh": false,
    "ja": false,
    "ko": false,
    "ru": false,
    "th": false,
    "ta": false,
    "te": false,
    "gu": false,
    "bn": false,
    "vi": false

There are cases where it is not easy to infer the correct alphabet for a single letter because there are different letters from different alphabets that look alike. To illustrate, one example is conflict between Latin B and Cyrillic В (that is Latin V). While being displayed almost the same, they essentially have different Unicode encodings. The option alphabets_allowed can be used to specify map from string to boolean values which can be used to prevent symbols from unwanted alphabet appearing in the result. Map keys that are valid correspond to the values in Field column of the table specified in Detected alphabet object section (e.g. hi or ru). By default all alphabets are allowed in the output, to disable alphabet specify "alphabets_allowed": {"alphabet_key": false}.

Specifying "alphabets_allowed": {"alphabet_key": true} has the same effect as not specifying that alphabet inside alphabets_allowed map.

LineData object


Example request:

  "src": "",
  "formats": ["text"],
  "include_line_data": true

JSON response:

  "confidence": 0.651358435330524,
  "confidence_rate": 0.651358435330524,
  "text": "Equivalent resistance between points \\( \\mathrm{A} \\& \\mathrm{B} \\) in the adjacent circuit is",
  "line_data": [
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [859, 81],
        [739, 91],
        [626, 91],
        [-2, 66],
        [0, 34],
        [739, 52],
        [859, 63]
      "included": true,
      "is_printed": true,
      "is_handwritten": false,
      "text": "Equivalent resistance between points \\( \\mathrm{A} \\& \\mathrm{B} \\) in the adjacent circuit is",
      "after_hyphen": false,
      "confidence": 0.651358435330524,
      "confidence_rate": 0.9948483133235457
      "type": "diagram",
      "cnt": [
        [654, 244],
        [651, 683],
        [7, 678],
        [11, 238]
      "included": false,
      "is_printed": true,
      "is_handwritten": false,
      "error_id": "image_not_supported"
Field Type Description
type string One of text, math, table, diagram, equation_number, diagram_info, chart, form_field
subtype (optional) string For diagrams: chemistry, triangle. For charts: column, bar, line, pie, area, scatter. For form fields: checkbox, circle, dashed. When not applicable, it is not set.
cnt [[x,y]] Contour for line expressed as list of (x,y) pixel coordinate pairs
included bool Whether this line is included in the top level OCR result
is_printed bool True if line has printed text, false otherwise.
is_handwritten bool True if line has handwritten text, false otherwise.
error_id (optional) string Error ID, reason why the line is not included in final result
text (optional) string Text (Mathpix Markdown) for line
confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability 100% correct
confidence_rate (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated confidence of output quality
after_hyphen (optional) bool specifies if the current line occurs after the text line which ended with hyphen
html (optional) string Annotated HTML output for the line
data (optional) [Data] List of Data object's

Specifying include_line_data to be true will add a line_data field to the response body. This field is a list of LineData objects that contain information about all textual line elements detected in the image. Simply concatenating information from the response's line_data is enough to recreate the top level text, html, and data fields in the response body.

The OCR engine does not support some lines, like diagrams, and these lines are therefore simply skipped. Some lines contain content that is most likely extraneous, like equation numbers. Additionally, sometimes the OCR engine simply cannot recognize the line with proper confidence. In all those cases included field is set to false, meaning the line is not part of the final result.

A line can have the following values for error_id:

WordData object

Example request:

  "src": "",
  "include_word_data": true

JSON response:

  "is_printed": true,
  "is_handwritten": false,
  "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.00939574267408716,
  "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
  "word_data": [
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [111, 104],
        [3, 104],
        [3, 74],
        [111, 74]
      "text": "Perform",
      "confidence": 0.99951171875,
      "confidence_rate": 0.9999593007867263,
      "latex": "\\text { Perform }"
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [160, 104],
        [115, 104],
        [115, 74],
        [160, 74]
      "text": "the",
      "confidence": 1,
      "confidence_rate": 1,
      "latex": "\\text { the }"
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [286, 104],
        [163, 104],
        [163, 74],
        [286, 74]
      "text": "indicated",
      "confidence": 0.9970722198486328,
      "confidence_rate": 0.9997905880380586,
      "latex": "\\text { indicated }"
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [413, 107],
        [290, 107],
        [290, 77],
        [413, 77]
      "text": "operation",
      "confidence": 0.9985356330871582,
      "confidence_rate": 0.9998953311820248,
      "latex": "\\text { operation }"
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [469, 104],
        [417, 104],
        [417, 74],
        [469, 74]
      "text": "and",
      "confidence": 1,
      "confidence_rate": 1,
      "latex": "\\text { and }"
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [592, 108],
        [472, 108],
        [472, 74],
        [592, 74]
      "text": "simplify.",
      "confidence": 0.9790234565734863,
      "confidence_rate": 0.9984868832735626,
      "latex": "\\text { simplify. }"
      "type": "text",
      "cnt": [
        [126, 162],
        [100, 162],
        [100, 130],
        [126, 130]
      "text": "3)",
      "confidence": 0.998046875,
      "confidence_rate": 0.9997207483071853,
      "latex": "\\text { 3) }"
      "type": "math",
      "cnt": [
        [322, 191],
        [132, 191],
        [132, 110],
        [322, 110]
      "text": "\\( \\frac{2 p-2}{p} \\div \\frac{4 p-4}{9 p^{2}} \\)",
      "confidence": 0.99853515625,
      "confidence_rate": 0.9999436201400773,
      "latex": "\\frac{2 p-2}{p} \\div \\frac{4 p-4}{9 p^{2}}"
Field Type Description
type string One of text, math, table, diagram, equation_number
subtype (optional) string Either not set, or chemistry, or triangle (more diagram subtypes coming soon)
cnt [[x,y]] Contour for word expressed as list of (x,y) pixel coordinate pairs
text (optional) string Text (Mathpix Markdown) for word
latex (optional) string Math mode LaTeX (Mathpix Markdown) for word
confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability 100% correct
confidence_rate (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated confidence of output quality

Specifying true for include_word_data will add a word_data field to the response body. This field is a a list of WordData objects containing information about all word level elements detected in the image.

Auto rotation

Sometimes images that are received are in wrong orientation,one example of such image would look like this:


The goal of automatic rotation is to pick correct orientation for received images before any processing is done. The result of auto rotation looks like: picture

One can control how confident our algorithm needs to be to perform auto rotation with request parameter auto_rotate_confidence_threshold, a number in [0,1]. By default the value 0.99 is used, which essentially means that algorithm will auto rotate image if it is 99% confident in that decision. Auto rotation can be disabled by specifying "auto_rotate_confidence_threshold": 1 as a part of request being sent.

The response body will include two related fields:

Geometry objects


Example request to v3/text:

  "src": "",
  "include_geometry_data": true

JSON response:

  "is_printed": true,
  "is_handwritten": false,
  "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.03240217728347261,
  "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
  "geometry_data": [
      "position": {
        "top_left_x": 183,
        "top_left_y": 3,
        "height": 344,
        "width": 309
      "shape_list": [
          "type": "triangle",
          "vertex_list": [
              "x": 218,
              "y": 46,
              "edge_list": [1, 2]
              "x": 218,
              "y": 314,
              "edge_list": [0, 2]
              "x": 456,
              "y": 314,
              "edge_list": [0, 1]
      "label_list": [
          "position": {
            "top_left_x": 198,
            "top_left_y": 7,
            "height": 24,
            "width": 22
          "text": "\\( A \\)",
          "latex": "A",
          "confidence": 0.99951171875,
          "confidence_rate": 0.99951171875
          "position": {
            "top_left_x": 228,
            "top_left_y": 78,
            "height": 20,
            "width": 14
          "text": "\\( ? \\)",
          "latex": "?",
          "confidence": 0.96923828125,
          "confidence_rate": 0.96923828125
          "position": {
            "top_left_x": 349,
            "top_left_y": 154,
            "height": 21,
            "width": 16
          "text": "6",
          "latex": "6",
          "confidence": 0.99951171875,
          "confidence_rate": 0.99951171875
          "position": {
            "top_left_x": 189,
            "top_left_y": 318,
            "height": 24,
            "width": 23
          "text": "\\( C \\)",
          "latex": "C",
          "confidence": 0.837890625,
          "confidence_rate": 0.837890625
          "position": {
            "top_left_x": 329,
            "top_left_y": 326,
            "height": 20,
            "width": 18
          "text": "4",
          "latex": "4",
          "confidence": 1,
          "confidence_rate": 1
          "position": {
            "top_left_x": 469,
            "top_left_y": 311,
            "height": 22,
            "width": 22
          "text": "\\( B \\)",
          "latex": "B",
          "confidence": 0.99072265625,
          "confidence_rate": 0.99072265625

Geometry data is requested via the include_geometry_data request parameter. Currently, only triangle diagrams are supported. Geometry data structures are represented via vertices, edges, and labels.

GeometryData object

The geometry_data object contains the following parameters:

Field Type Description
position (optional) object Position object, pixel coordinates
shape_list [object] List of ShapeData objects
label_list [object] List of LabelData objects

ShapeData object

Field Type Description
type string Type of diagram; currently only triangle is supported
vertex_list [object] List of VertexData objects

VertexData object

Field Type Description
x integer x-pixel coordinate for the vertex, counting from top left
y integer y-pixel coordinate for the vertex, counting from top left
edge_list [integer] List of indices the vertex is connected to, in ShapeData.vertex_list (0 based indexing is used)

LabelData object

Field Type Description
position object Position object, pixel coordinates
text string text output for OCR-ed label
latex string latex output for OCR-ed label
confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability 100% correct
confidence_rate (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated confidence of output quality

Process stroke data


To process strokes coordinates, a client may post a JSON body to v3/strokes containing the strokes data along with the same options available when processing an image.

This endpoint is very convenient for users that were generating images of handwritten math and text and then using the service v3/text, since with v3/strokes no image generation is required, the request payload is smaller and therefore it results in faster response time.

The LaTeX of the recognized handwriting is returned inside inline delimiters \( ... \) and block mode delimiters \[ .... \]. Lines are separated with \n newline characters. In some cases (e.g. multiple choice equations) we will try to flatten horizontally aligned content into different lines in order to keep the markup simple.

Request parameters

Send some strokes:

  "strokes": {
    "strokes": {
      "x": [
          131, 131, 130, 130, 131, 133, 136, 146, 151, 158, 161, 162, 162, 162,
          162, 159, 155, 147, 142, 137, 136, 138, 143, 160, 171, 190, 197, 202,
          202, 202, 201, 194, 189, 177, 170, 158, 153, 150, 148
        [231, 231, 233, 235, 239, 248, 252, 260, 264, 273, 277, 280, 282, 283],
          273, 272, 271, 270, 267, 262, 257, 249, 243, 240, 237, 235, 234, 234,
          233, 233
          296, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 306, 305,
          304, 298, 294, 286, 283, 281, 281, 282, 284, 284, 285, 287, 290, 293,
          294, 299, 301, 308, 309, 314, 315, 316
      "y": [
          213, 213, 212, 211, 210, 208, 207, 206, 206, 209, 212, 217, 220, 227,
          230, 234, 236, 238, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 241, 247, 252, 259,
          261, 264, 266, 269, 270, 271, 271, 271, 270, 269, 268
        [231, 231, 232, 235, 238, 246, 249, 257, 261, 267, 270, 272, 273, 274],
          230, 230, 230, 231, 234, 240, 246, 258, 268, 273, 277, 281, 281, 283,
          283, 284
          192, 192, 191, 189, 188, 187, 187, 187, 188, 188, 190, 193, 195, 198,
          200, 205, 208, 213, 215, 215, 215, 214, 214, 214, 214, 216, 218, 220,
          221, 223, 223, 223, 223, 221, 221, 220
#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json

# put input strokes here
strokes_string = '{"strokes": {\
    "x": [[131,131,130,130,131,133,136,146,151,158,161,162,162,162,162,159,155,147,142,137,136,138,143,160,171,190,197,202,202,202,201,194,189,177,170,158,153,150,148],[231,231,233,235,239,248,252,260,264,273,277,280,282,283],[273,272,271,270,267,262,257,249,243,240,237,235,234,234,233,233],[296,296,297,299,300,301,301,302,303,304,305,306,306,305,304,298,294,286,283,281,281,282,284,284,285,287,290,293,294,299,301,308,309,314,315,316]],\
    "y": [[213,213,212,211,210,208,207,206,206,209,212,217,220,227,230,234,236,238,239,239,239,239,239,239,241,247,252,259,261,264,266,269,270,271,271,271,270,269,268],[231,231,232,235,238,246,249,257,261,267,270,272,273,274],[230,230,230,231,234,240,246,258,268,273,277,281,281,283,283,284],[192,192,191,189,188,187,187,187,188,188,190,193,195,198,200,205,208,213,215,215,215,214,214,214,214,216,218,220,221,223,223,223,223,221,221,220]]\
strokes = json.loads(strokes_string)
r ="",
    json={"strokes": strokes},
    headers={"app_id": "APP_ID", "app_key": "APP_KEY",
             "Content-type": "application/json"})
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
curl -X POST \
-H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
-H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "strokes": {"strokes": {
  "x": [[131,131,130,130,131,133,136,146,151,158,161,162,162,162,162,159,155,147,142,137,136,138,143,160,171,190,197,202,202,202,201,194,189,177,170,158,153,150,148],[231,231,233,235,239,248,252,260,264,273,277,280,282,283],[273,272,271,270,267,262,257,249,243,240,237,235,234,234,233,233],[296,296,297,299,300,301,301,302,303,304,305,306,306,305,304,298,294,286,283,281,281,282,284,284,285,287,290,293,294,299,301,308,309,314,315,316]],
  "y": [[213,213,212,211,210,208,207,206,206,209,212,217,220,227,230,234,236,238,239,239,239,239,239,239,241,247,252,259,261,264,266,269,270,271,271,271,270,269,268],[231,231,232,235,238,246,249,257,261,267,270,272,273,274],[230,230,230,231,234,240,246,258,268,273,277,281,281,283,283,284],[192,192,191,189,188,187,187,187,188,188,190,193,195,198,200,205,208,213,215,215,215,214,214,214,214,216,218,220,221,223,223,223,223,221,221,220]]
Parameter Type Description
strokes JSON Strokes in JSON with appropriate format
strokes_session_id (optional) string Stroke session ID returned included by app token API call

All other Request Params from v3/text are supported, See Request parameters.

Note that the strokes_session* information but be sent along with the app_token token as a auth header, see app tokens. Strokes sessions, meaning digital ink inputs with live updating results, are billed differently from v3/strokes requests without intermediate results (no live updates), see the Mathpix OCR pricing section. Note that customers are billed for a live strokes session the first time they send strokes for a given session, not when they request app_token and strokes_session_id.

Response body

Get an API response:

  "request_id": "cea6b8e40ab4550ac467ce2eb00430be",
  "is_printed": false,
  "is_handwritten": true,
  "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0020149118193977245,
  "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
  "confidence": 1,
  "confidence_rate": 1,
  "latex_styled": "3 x^{2}",
  "text": "\\( 3 x^{2} \\)",
  "version": "RSK-M100"
Field Type Description
text (optional) string Recognized text format, if such is found
confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability 100% correct
confidence_rate (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated confidence of output quality
data (optional) [object] List of data objects (see "Data object" section above)
html (optional) string Annotated HTML output

Process an equation image

Example image:


JSON request body to send an image URL:

  "src": "",
  "formats": ["latex_normal"]


  "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0006091455863810324,
  "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
  "detection_list": [],
  "detection_map": {
    "contains_chart": 0,
    "contains_diagram": 0,
    "contains_graph": 0,
    "contains_table": 0,
    "is_blank": 0,
    "is_inverted": 0,
    "is_not_math": 0,
    "is_printed": 5.874842099728994e-5
  "latex_confidence": 1,
  "latex_confidence_rate": 1,
  "latex_normal": "\\operatorname { lim } _ { x \\rightarrow 3 } ( \\frac { x ^ { 2 } + 9 } { x - 3 } )",
  "position": {
    "height": 263,
    "top_left_x": 59,
    "top_left_y": 25,
    "width": 578
  "request_id": "85c5aa804c0db262ec806967acba0999",
  "version": "RSK-M100"


Legacy endpoint for processing equation image. Deprecated in favor of v3/text.

Request parameters

Example request sending an image URL:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json

data = {
    "src": "",
    "formats": [
r ="",
        "app_id": "APP_ID",
        "app_key": "APP_KEY",
        "Content-type": "application/json"
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
curl -X POST \
-H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
-H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"src": "", "formats": ["latex_simplified", "asciimath"]}'

Send an image file:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json

r ="",
    files={"file": open("limit.jpg","rb")},
    data={"options_json": json.dumps({
        "formats": ["latex_simplified", "asciimath"]
        "app_id": "APP_ID",
        "app_key": "APP_KEY"
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
curl -X POST \
-H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
-H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--form 'file=@"limit.jpg"' \
--form 'options_json="{\"formats\": [\"latex_simplified\", \"asciimath\"]}"'
  "asciimath": "lim_(x rarr3)((x^(2)+9)/(x-3))",
  "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0006091455863810324,
  "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
  "detection_list": [],
  "detection_map": {
    "contains_chart": 0,
    "contains_diagram": 0,
    "contains_graph": 0,
    "contains_table": 0,
    "is_blank": 0,
    "is_inverted": 0,
    "is_not_math": 0,
    "is_printed": 5.874842099728994e-5
  "latex_confidence": 1,
  "latex_confidence_rate": 1,
  "latex_simplified": "\\lim _ { x \\rightarrow 3 } ( \\frac { x ^ { 2 } + 9 } { x - 3 } )",
  "position": {
    "height": 263,
    "top_left_x": 59,
    "top_left_y": 25,
    "width": 578
  "request_id": "aab527abf5c78bd3a07c51804bcfbfaa",
  "version": "RSK-M100"

You can request multiple formats for a single image:

  "ocr": ["math", "text"],
  "skip_recrop": true,
  "formats": [
Parameter Type Description
src (optional) string Image URL
tags (optional) [string] Tags are lists of strings that can be used to identify results. see OCR Results
async (optional) [bool] This flag is to be used when sending non-interactive requests
formats string[] String postprocessing formats (see Formatting section)
ocr (optional) string[] Process only math ["math"] or both math and text ["math", "text"]. Default is ["math"]
format_options (optional) object Options for specific formats (see Formatting section)
skip_recrop (optional) bool Force algorithm to consider whole image
confidence_threshold (optional) number in [0,1] Set threshold for triggering confidence errors
beam_size (optional) number in [1,5] Number of results to consider during recognition
n_best (optional) integer in [1,beam_size] Number of highest-confidence results to return
region (optional) object Specify the image area with the pixel coordinates top_left_x, top_left_y, width, and height
callback (optional) object Callback object
metadata (optional) object Key value object
include_detected_alphabets (optional) bool Return detected alphabets
auto_rotate_confidence_threshold (optional) number in [0,1] Specifies threshold for auto rotating image to correct orientation; by default it is set to 0.99, can be disabled with a value of 1 (see Auto rotation section for details)
enable_blue_hsv_filter (optional) bool Enables a special mode of image processing where it OCRs blue hue text exclusively, default false.


The following formats can be used in the request:

Format Description
text text mode output, with math inside delimiters, eg. test \(x^2\), inline math by default
text_display same as text, except uses block mode math instead of inline mode when in doubt
latex_normal direct LaTeX representation of the input
latex_styled modified output to improve the visual appearance such as adding '\left' and '\right' around parenthesized expressions that contain tall expressions like subscript or superscript
latex_simplified modified output for symbolic processing such as shortening operator names, replacing long division with a fraction, and converting a column of operands into a single formula
latex_list output split into a list of simplified strings to help process multiple equations
mathml the MathML for the recognized math
asciimath the AsciiMath for the recognized math
wolfram a string compatible with the Wolfram Alpha engine

Format options

To return a more compact latex_styled result, one could send the following request:

  "ocr": ["math", "text"],
  "skip_recrop": true,
  "formats": [
  "format_options": {
    "latex_styled": { "transforms": ["rm_spaces"] }

The result for "latex*styled" would now be
>     "\\lim*{x \\rightarrow 3}\\left(\\frac{x^{2}+9}{x-3}\\right)"
instead of
>     "\\lim \_ { x \\rightarrow 3 } \\left( \\frac { x ^ { 2 } + 9 } { x - 3 } \\right)"

The optional format_options request parameter allows a request to customize the LaTeX result formats using an object with a format as the property name and the options for that format as the value. The options value may specify the following properties:

Option Type Description
transforms string[] array of transformation names
math_delims [string, string] [begin, end] delimiters for math mode, for example \( and \)
displaymath_delims [string, string] [begin, end] delimiters for displaymath mode, for example \[ and \]

The currently-supported transforms are:

Transform Description
rm_spaces omit spaces around LaTeX groups and other places where spaces are superfluous
rm_newlines uses spaces instead of newlines between text lines in paragraphs
rm_fonts omit mathbb, mathbf, mathcal, and mathrm commands
rm_style_syms replace styled commands with unstyled versions, e.g., bigoplus becomes oplus
rm_text omit text to the left or right of math
long_frac convert longdiv to frac

Note that rm_fonts and rm_style_syms are implicit in latex_normal, latex_simplified, and latex_list. The long_frac transformation is implicit in latex_simplified and latex_list.

Response body

  "detection_list": [],
  "detection_map": {
    "contains_chart": 0,
    "contains_diagram": 0,
    "contains_geometry": 0,
    "contains_graph": 0,
    "contains_table": 0,
    "is_inverted": 0,
    "is_not_math": 0,
    "is_printed": 0
  "latex_normal": "\\lim _ { x \\rightarrow 3 } ( \\frac { x ^ { 2 } + 9 } { x - 3 } )",
  "latex_confidence": 0.86757309488734,
  "latex_confidence_rate": 0.9875550770759583,
  "position": {
    "height": 273,
    "top_left_x": 57,
    "top_left_y": 14,
    "width": 605
Field Type Description
text (optional) string Recognized text format
text_display (optional) string Recognized text_display format
latex_normal (optional) string Recognized latex_normal format
latex_simplified (optional) string Recognized latex_normal format
latex_styled (optional) string Recognized latex_styled format
latex_list (optional) string[] Recognized latex_list format
mathml (optional) string Recognized MathML format
asciimath (optional) string Recognized AsciiMath format
wolfram (optional) string Recognized Wolfram format
position (optional) object Position object, pixel coordinates
detection_list (optional) string[] Detects image properties (see image properties)
error (optional) string US locale error message
error_info (optional) object Error info object
latex_confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability 100% correct
latex_confidence_rate (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated confidence of output quality
candidates (optional) object[] n_best results
detected_alphabets (optional) [object] DetectedAlphabet object
auto_rotate_confidence (optional) number in [0,1] Estimated probability that image needs to be rotated, see Auto rotation
auto_rotate_degrees (optional) number in {0, 90, -90, 180} Estimated angle of rotation in degrees to put image in correct orientation, see Auto rotation

The detected_alphabets result object contains a field that is true of false for each known alphabet. The field is true if any characters from the alphabet are recognized in the image, regardless of whether any of the result fields contain the characters.

Field Type Description
en bool English
hi bool Hindi Devenagari
zh bool Chinese
ja bool Kana Hiragana or Katakana
ko bool Hangul Jamo
ru bool Russian
th bool Thai
ta bool Tamil
te bool Telugu
gu bool Gujarati
bn bool Bengali

Image properties

The API defines multiple detection types:

Detection Definition
contains_diagram Contains a diagram.
is_printed The image is taken of printed math, not handwritten math.
is_not_math No valid equation was detected.

Query image results


Mathpix allows customers to search their results from posts to /v3/text, /v3/strokes, and /v3/latex with a GET request on /v3/ocr-results?search-parameters.

The search request must also be authenticated the same way OCR requests are, in order to return relevant search results. See Authorization

Requests with the metadata improve_mathpix field set to false will not appear in the search results.

Note that this endpoint will only work with API keys created after July 5th, 2020.

Request parameters

curl -X GET -H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
  "ocr_results": [
      "timestamp": "2021-07-02T18:48:46.080Z",
      "duration": 0.132,
      "endpoint": "/v3/text",
      "request_args": {
        "tags": ["test_tag2", "test_tag3"],
        "formats": ["text"]
      "result": {
        "text": "\\( 12+5 x-8=12 x-10 \\)",
        "confidence": 1,
        "is_printed": false,
        "request_id": "a4301400f66b9821d35cbabea8a26992",
        "is_handwritten": true,
        "confidence_rate": 1,
        "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
        "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0027393347044402105,
        "version": "RSK-M100"
      "detections": {
        "contains_chemistry": false,
        "contains_diagram": false,
        "is_handwritten": true,
        "is_printed": false,
        "contains_table": false,
        "contains_triangle": false
      "timestamp": "2021-07-02T18:48:45.903Z",
      "duration": 0.15,
      "endpoint": "/v3/text",
      "request_args": {
        "tags": ["test_tag", "test_tag2", "test_tag3"],
        "formats": ["text"]
      "result": {
        "text": "\\( 12+5 x-8=12 x-10 \\)",
        "confidence": 1,
        "is_printed": false,
        "request_id": "7fe48fb1cd61f8a00ba4e71381740efb",
        "is_handwritten": true,
        "confidence_rate": 1,
        "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
        "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0027393347044402105,
        "version": "RSK-M100"
      "detections": {
        "contains_chemistry": false,
        "contains_diagram": false,
        "is_handwritten": true,
        "is_printed": false,
        "contains_table": false,
        "contains_triangle": false
Search parameter Type Description
page (default=1) integer First page of results to return
per_page (default=100) integer Number of results to return
from_date (optional) string starting (included) ISO datetime
to_date (optional) string ending (excluded) ISO datetime
app_id (optional) string results for the given app_id
text (optional) string result.text contains the given string
text_display (optional) string result.text_display contains the given string
latex_styled (optional) string result.latex_styled contains the given string
tags (optional) [string] an array of tag strings
is_printed (optional) boolean All results that contain printed text/math are included
is_handwritten (optional) boolean All results that contain handwritten text/math are included
contains_table (optional) boolean All results that contain a table are included
contains_chemistry (optional) boolean All results that contain chemistry diagrams are included
contains_diagram (optional) boolean All results that contain diagrams are included
contains_triangle (optional) boolean All results that contain triangles are included

Result object

Field Type Description
timestamp string ISO timestamp of recorded result information
endpoint string API endpoint used for upload (eg /v3/text, /v3/strokes, ...)
duration number Difference between timestamp and when request was received
request_args object Request body arguments
result object Result body for request
detections object An object of detections for each request

Query ocr usage


To track ocr usage, a user may get information from v3/ocr-usage, adding to the request period of time, and can group responses in different ways.

Request parameters

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
  -H 'app_key: APP_KEY'
Search parameter Type Description
from_date (optional) string starting (included) ISO datetime
to_date (optional) string ending (excluded) ISO datetime
group_by string return values aggregated by this parameter. One of usage_type, request_args_hash, app_id
timespan string return aggregated by specified timespan

Response body

Get an API response:

  "ocr_usage": [
      "from_date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "app_id": ["mathpix"],
      "usage_type": "image",
      "request_args_hash": ["1f241a3777a5646b98eb4e07c1e39f27770c14d8"],
      "count": 21
      "from_date": "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "app_id": ["mathpix"],
      "usage_type": "image-async",
      "request_args_hash": [
      "count": 7
Field Type Description
from_date string starting (included) ISO datetime
usage_type string type of service
request_args_hash string hash of request_args
count number number of requests according to the selected group_by request parameter

Process a PDF


Mathpix supports PDF processing for scientific documents.

Supported outputs:

Request parameters

Send a PDF URL for processing:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import json

r ="",
        "url": ""
        "conversion_formats": {
            "docx": true,
            "": true
        "app_id": "APP_ID",
        "app_key": "APP_KEY",
        "Content-type": "application/json"
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
curl -X POST \
-H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
-H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "url": "", "conversion_formats": {"docx": true, "": true}}'

You can either send a PDF URL, or you can upload a file.

Parameter Type Description
url (optional) string HTTP URL where PDF can be downloaded from
metadata (optional) object Key value object
alphabets_allowed (optional) object See AlphabetsAllowed section, use this to specify which alphabets you don't want in the output
rm_spaces (optional) bool Determines whether extra white space is removed from equations in latex_styled and text formats. Default is true.
rm_fonts (optional) bool Determines whether font commands such as \mathbf and \mathrm are removed from equations in latex_styled and text formats. Default is false.
idiomatic_eqn_arrays (optional) bool Specifies whether to use aligned, gathered, or cases instead of an array environment for a list of equations. Default is false.
include_equation_tags (optional) bool Specifies whether to include equation number tags inside equations LaTeX in the form of \tag{eq_number}, where eq_number is an equation number (e.g. 1.12). When set to true, it sets "idiomatic_eqn_arrays": true, because equation numbering works better in those environments compared to the array environment.
numbers_default_to_math (optional) bool Specifies whether numbers are always math, e.g., Answer: \( 17 \) instead of Answer: 17. Default is false.
math_inline_delimiters (optional) [string, string] Specifies begin inline math and end inline math delimiters for text outputs. Default is ["\\(", "\\)"].
math_display_delimiters (optional) [string, string] Specifies begin display math and end display math delimiters for text outputs. Default is ["\\[", "\\]"].
page_ranges string Specifies a page range as a comma-separated string. Examples include 2,4-6 which selects pages [2,4,5,6] and 2 - -2 which selects all pages starting with the second page and ending with the next-to-last page (specified by -2)
enable_spell_check bool Enables a predictive mode for English handwriting that takes word frequencies into account; this option is skipped when the language is not detected as English; incorrectly spelled words that are clearly written will not be changed, this predictive mode is only enabled when the underlying word is visually ambiguous, see here for an example.
auto_number_sections bool Specifies whether sections and subsections in the output are automatically numbered. Defaults to false note.
remove_section_numbering bool Specifies whether to remove existing numbering for sections and subsections. Defaults to false note.
preserve_section_numbering bool Specifies whether to keep existing section numbering as is. Defaults to true note.
enable_tables_fallback bool Enables advanced table processing algorithm that supports very large and complex tables. Defaults to false
conversion_formats object Specifies formats that the v3/pdf output(Mathpix Markdown) should automatically be converted into, on completion. See Conversion Formats.

Send a PDF file for processing:

import requests
import json

options = {
    "conversion_formats": {"docx": True, "": True},
    "math_inline_delimiters": ["$", "$"],
    "rm_spaces": True
r ="",
        "app_id": "APP_ID",
        "app_key": "APP_KEY"
        "options_json": json.dumps(options)
        "file": open("css299-notes.pdf","rb")
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--form 'file=@"cs229-notes5.pdf"' \
--form 'options_json="{\"conversion_formats\": {\"docx\": true, \"\": true}, \"math_inline_delimiters\": [\"$\", \"$\"], \"rm_spaces\": true}"'

To send a PDF file simply include the file in the form-data request body.

Response body

Reponse to PDF / PDF URL upload

  "pdf_id": "5049b56d6cf916e713be03206f306f1a"
Field Type Description
pdf_id string Tracking ID to get status and result when completed
error (optional) string US locale error message
error_info (optional) object Error info object

Processing status

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID'

Response after a few seconds:

  "status": "split",
  "num_pages": 9,
  "percent_done": 11.11111111111111,
  "num_pages_completed": 1

Response after a few more seconds:

  "status": "completed",
  "num_pages": 9,
  "percent_done": 100,
  "num_pages_completed": 9

To check the processing status of a PDF, use the pdf_id returned from the initial request and append it to /v3/pdf in a GET request.


Field Type Description
status string Processing status, will be received upon successful request, loaded if PDF was down-loaded onto our servers, split when PDF pages are split and sent for processing, completed when PDF is done processing, or error if a problem occurs during processing
num_pages (optional) integer Total number of pages in PDF document
num_pages_completed (optional) integer Current number of pages in PDF document that have been OCR-ed
percent_done (optional) number Percentage of pages in PDF that have been OCR-ed

Get conversion status

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID'

Response after a few seconds:

  "status": "completed",
  "conversion_status": {
    "docx": {
        "status": "processing"
    "": {
        "status": "processing"

Response after a few more seconds:

  "status": "completed",
  "conversion_status": {
    "docx": {
        "status": "completed"
    "": {
        "status": "completed"

To get the status of your conversions, use the following endpoint:


The response object is described here:

Field Type Description
status string completed for an existing mmd document
conversion_status (optional) object {[format]: {status: "processing" | "completed" | "error", error_info?: {id, error}}}

Conversion results

Save results to local mmd file, md file, docx file, HTML, and LaTeX zip

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > PDF_ID.mmd

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > PDF_ID.docx

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' >

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > PDF_ID.html

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > PDF_ID.lines.json

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > PDF_ID.lines.mmd.json
import requests

pdf_id = "PDF_ID"
headers = {
  "app_key": "APP_KEY",
  "app_id": "APP_ID"

# get mmd response
url = "" + pdf_id + ".mmd"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + ".mmd", "w") as f:

# get docx response
url = "" + pdf_id + ".docx"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + ".docx", "wb") as f:

# get LaTeX zip file
url = "" + pdf_id + ".tex"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + "", "wb") as f:

# get HTML file
url = "" + pdf_id + ".html"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + ".html", "wb") as f:

# get lines data
url = "" + pdf_id + ".lines.json"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + ".lines.json", "wb") as f:

# get lines mmd json
url = "" + pdf_id + ".lines.mmd.json"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + ".lines.mmd.json", "wb") as f:

Once a PDF has been fully OCR-ed, resulting in status=completed, you can get the mmd result and line-by-line data by adding .mmd or .lines.json to the status GET request. Conversion formats such as docx and will not be available until the format status is completed.

The possible values of the extension are described here.

Extension Description
mmd Returns Mathpix Markdown text file
md Returns plain Markdown text file
docx Returns a docx file Returns a LaTeX zip file
html Returns a HTML file with the rendered Mathpix Markdown content
lines.json Returns line by line data
lines.mmd.json Returns line by line mmd data

Note that the extension downloads a zip file containing the main .tex file and any images that appear in the document.

PDF lines data

To get line by line data with geometric information about PDF content:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > PDF_ID.lines.json
import requests

pdf_id = "PDF_ID"
headers = {
  "app_key": "APP_KEY",
  "app_id": "APP_ID"

# get json lines data
url = "" + pdf_id + ".lines.json"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + ".lines.json", "w") as f:


  "pages": [
      "image_id": "2022_04_27_feb905cbae93e99c93ecg-01",
      "page": 1,
      "page_height": 1651,
      "page_width": 1275,
      "lines": [
          "cnt": [
            [448, 395],
            [448, 351],
            [818, 351],
            [818, 395]
          "text": "CS229 Lecture Notes",
          "is_printed": true,
          "is_handwritten": false,
          "region": {
            "top_left_x": 448,
            "top_left_y": 351,
            "height": 45,
            "width": 371
          "line": 1
          "cnt": [
            [554, 469],
            [554, 434],
            [712, 434],
            [712, 469]
          "text": "Andrew Ng",
          "is_printed": true,
          "is_handwritten": false,
          "region": {
            "top_left_x": 554,
            "top_left_y": 434,
            "height": 36,
            "width": 159
          "line": 2
          "cnt": [
            [476, 537],
            [476, 492],
            [795, 492],
            [795, 537]
          "text": "(updates by Tengyu Ma)",
          "is_printed": true,
          "is_handwritten": false,
          "region": {
            "top_left_x": 476,
            "top_left_y": 492,
            "height": 46,
            "width": 320
          "line": 3

Mathpix provides detailed line by line data for PDFs. This can be useful for building novel user experiences on top of original PDFs.

Response data object

Field Type Description
pages PdfPageData List of PdfPageData objects

PdfPageData object

Field Type Description
image-id string PDF ID, plus hyphen, plus page number, starting at page 1
page integer Page number
lines PdfLineData List of LineData objects
page_height integer Page height (in pixel coordinates)
page_width integer Page width (in pixel coordinates)

PdfLineData object

Field Type Description
line integer Line number
text string Mathpix Markdown content
is_printed boolean True if line contains printed text, false otherwise.
is_handwritten boolean True if line contains handwritten text, false otherwise.
region object Specify the image area with the pixel coordinates top_left_x, top_left_y, width, and height
cnt [[x,y]] Specifies the image area as list of (x,y) pixel coordinate pairs. This captures handwritten content much better than a region object

PDF MMD lines data

To get line by line data containing geometric and contextual information from a PDF:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > PDF_ID.lines.mmd.json
import requests

pdf_id = "PDF_ID"
headers = {
  "app_key": "APP_KEY",
  "app_id": "APP_ID"

# get json lines data
url = "" + pdf_id + ".lines.mmd.json"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(pdf_id + ".lines.mmd.json", "w") as f:


  "pages": [
      "image_id": "2022_04_27_5bd0e5ee1dbf53cc68c1g-1",
      "page": 1,
      "page_height": 1651,
      "page_width": 1275,
      "lines": [
          "cnt": [
            [448, 395],
            [448, 351],
            [818, 351],
            [818, 395]
          "region": {
            "top_left_x": 448,
            "top_left_y": 351,
            "height": 45,
            "width": 371
          "is_printed": true,
          "is_handwritten": false,
          "text": "\\title{\nCS229 Lecture Notes\n}",
          "line": 1
          "cnt": [
            [554, 469],
            [554, 434],
            [712, 434],
            [712, 469]
          "region": {
            "top_left_x": 554,
            "top_left_y": 434,
            "height": 36,
            "width": 159
          "is_printed": true,
          "is_handwritten": false,
          "text": "\n\n\\author{\nAndrew Ng",
          "line": 2
          "cnt": [
            [476, 537],
            [476, 492],
            [795, 492],
            [795, 537]
          "region": {
            "top_left_x": 476,
            "top_left_y": 492,
            "height": 46,
            "width": 320
          "is_printed": true,
          "is_handwritten": false,
          "text": " \\\\ (updates by Tengyu Ma)\n}",
          "line": 3

The MMD Lines object is much richer in context and lets you recreate the full MMD Document by simply appending the text fields in the PdfMMDLineData object.

Response data object (MMD Lines)

Field Type Description
pages PdfMMDPageData List of PdfMMDPageData objects

PdfMMDPageData object

Field Type Description
image-id string PDF ID, plus hyphen, plus page number, starting at page 1
page integer Page number
lines PdfMMDLineData List of PageMMDLineData objects
page_height integer Page height (in pixel coordinates)
page_width integer Page width (in pixel coordinates)

PdfMMDLineData object

Field Type Description
line integer Line number
text string Mathpix Markdown content with additional contextual elements such as article, section and inline image URLs
is_printed boolean True if line contains printed text, false otherwise.
is_handwritten boolean True if line contains handwritten text, false otherwise.
region object Specify the image area with the pixel coordinates top_left_x, top_left_y, width, and height
cnt [[x,y]] Specifies the image area as list of (x,y) pixel coordinate pairs. This captures handwritten content much better than a region object

Deleting PDF results

To delete a PDF's data, use the DELETE method on the same URL as used for getting status or a document. When a PDF is deleted, the result MMD file and associated images and JSON lines data get deleted from our servers. The PDF status is unaffected.

Deleting a PDF that hasn't completed processing will return a 404. Only PDFs that have status=complete can be deleted.

Convert Documents


If you want to convert an MMD document to other formats, you can do a POST to the /v3/converter endpoint with the mmd text and desired formats.

The available conversion formats are:

Request parameters

Send an MMD document for conversion:

curl -X POST \
-H 'app_id: APP_ID' \
-H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "mmd": "_full mmd text_", "formats": {"docx": true, "": true}}'
import requests
import json

url = ""

payload = json.dumps({
  "mmd": "_full mmd text_",
  "formats": {
    "docx": True,
    "": True
headers = {
  'app_id': 'APP_ID',
  'app_key': 'APP_KEY',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

Parameter Type Description
mmd string MMD document that needs to be converted into other formats
formats object Specifies output formats. See Conversion Formats.

Response body

Reponse to a POST v3/converter request

  "conversion_id": "5049b56d6cf916e713be03206f306f1a"

The result is just like a PDF request except returning conversion_id instead of pdf_id. You use the conversion_id in a GET to /v3/converter/conversion_id.

Conversion Formats

  "md": false,
  "docx": false,
  "": true,
  "html": true

Conversion formats used for v3/pdf conversion_formats and v3/converter formats.

Get conversion status

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID'

Response after a few seconds:

  "status": "completed",
  "conversion_status": {
    "docx": {
        "status": "processing"
    "": {
        "status": "processing"

Response after a few more seconds:

  "status": "completed",
  "conversion_status": {
    "docx": {
        "status": "completed"
    "": {
        "status": "completed"

To get the status of your conversions, use the following endpoint:


The response object is described here:

Field Type Description
status string completed for an existing mmd document
conversion_status (optional) object {[format]: {status: "processing" | "completed" | "error", error_info?: {id, error}}}

Conversion results

Save results to local MD file, DOCX file, HTML, and LaTeX zip

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' >

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > CONVERSION_ID.docx

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' >

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
--header 'app_id: APP_ID' > CONVERSION_ID.html
import requests

conversion_id = "CONVERSION_ID"
headers = {
  "app_key": "APP_KEY",
  "app_id": "APP_ID"

# get md response
url = "" + conversion_id + ".md"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(conversion_id + ".md", "w") as f:

# get docx response
url = "" + conversion_id + ".docx"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(conversion_id + ".docx", "wb") as f:

# get LaTeX zip file
url = "" + conversion_id + ""
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(conversion_id + "", "wb") as f:

# get HTML file
url = "" + conversion_id + ".html"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
with open(conversion_id + ".html", "wb") as f:

Once the format status is completed you can download the content by adding the format extension to the conversion_id, e.g., GET /v3/converter/conversion_id.docx.

Extension Description
md Returns plain Markdown text file
docx Returns a docx file Returns a LaTeX zip file
html Returns a HTML file with the rendered Mathpix Markdown content

Note that the extension downloads a zip file containing the main .tex file and any images that appear in the document.

Query PDF results

Mathpix allows customers to search their results from posts to /v3/pdf with a GET request on /v3/pdf-results?search-parameters. The search request must contain a valid app_key header to identify the group owning the results to search.

Request parameters

curl -X GET -H 'app_key: APP_KEY' \
Query parameter Type Description
page (default=1) integer First page of results to return
per_page (default=100) integer Number of results to return
from_date (optional) string starting (included) ISO datetime
to_date (optional) string ending (excluded) ISO datetime
app_id (optional) string results for the given app_id

Query result object

  "pdfs": [
      "id": "113cee229ab27b715b7cc24cfdbb2c33",
      "input_file": "",
      "status": "completed",
      "created_at": "2020-06-26T03:08:23.827Z",
      "modified_at": "2020-06-26T03:08:27.827Z",
      "num_pages": 1,
      "num_pages_completed": 1,
      "request_args": {}
      "id": "9ad69e94346e65047215d25709760f29",
      "input_file": "",
      "status": "completed",
      "created_at": "2020-06-27T03:08:23.827Z",
      "modified_at": "2020-06-27T03:08:27.827Z",
      "num_pages": 1,
      "num_pages_completed": 1,
      "request_args": {}
Field Type Description
id string ID of the processed PDF
input_file string The URL or the filename of the processed PDF
created_at string ISO timestamp of when the PDF was received
modified_at string ISO timestamp of when the PDF finished processing
num_pages integer Number of pages in the request PDF
num_pages_completed integer Number of pages of the PDF that were processed
request_args object Request body arguments

Process a batch

An equation image batch request is made with JSON that looks like:

  "urls": {
    "inverted": "",
    "algebra": ""
  "formats": ["latex_simplified"]
curl -X POST \
-H "app_id: APP_ID" \
-H "app_key: APP_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{ "urls": {"inverted": "", "algebra": ""},"formats":["latex_simplified"] }'

import requests
import json

base_url = ""

r =
        "urls": {
            "algebra": base_url + "algebra.jpg",
            "inverted": base_url + "inverted.jpg"
        "formats": ["latex_simplified"]
        "app_id": "APP_ID",
        "app_key": "APP_KEY",
        "content-type": "application/json"
reply = r.json()
assert "batch_id" in reply

The response to the batch is a positive integer value for batch_id.

  "batch_id": "17"

The response to GET /v3/batch/17 is below when the batch has completed. Before completion the "results" field may be empty or contain only one of the two results.

  "keys": ["algebra", "inverted"],
  "results": {
    "algebra": {
      "detection_list": [],
      "detection_map": {
        "contains_chart": 0,
        "contains_diagram": 0,
        "contains_geometry": 0,
        "contains_graph": 0,
        "contains_table": 0,
        "is_inverted": 0,
        "is_not_math": 0,
        "is_printed": 0
      "latex_simplified": "12 + 5 x - 8 = 12 x - 10",
      "latex_confidence": 0.99640350138238,
      "position": {
        "height": 208,
        "top_left_x": 0,
        "top_left_y": 0,
        "width": 1380
    "inverted": {
      "detection_list": ["is_inverted", "is_printed"],
      "detection_map": {
        "contains_chart": 0,
        "contains_diagram": 0,
        "contains_geometry": 0,
        "contains_graph": 0,
        "contains_table": 0,
        "is_inverted": 1,
        "is_not_math": 0,
        "is_printed": 1
      "latex_simplified": "x ^ { 2 } + y ^ { 2 } = 9",
      "latex_confidence": 0.99982263230866,
      "position": {
        "height": 170,
        "top_left_x": 48,
        "top_left_y": 85,
        "width": 544


The Mathpix API supports processing multiple equation images in a single POST request to a different endpoint: /v3/batch. The request body may contain any /v3/latex parameters except src and must also contain a urls parameter. The request may also contain an additonal callback parameter to receive results after all the images in the batch have been processed.

Parameter Type Description
urls object key-value for each image in the batch where the value may be a string url or an object containing a url and image-specific options such as region and formats.
ocr_behavior (optional) string text for processing like v3/text or the default latex for processing like v3/latex
callback (optional) object description of where to send the batch results. Callback object

The response contains only a unique batch_id value. Even if the request includes a callback, there is no guarantee the callback will run successfuly (because of a transient network failure, for example). The preferred approach is to wait an appropriate length of time (about one second for every five images in the batch) and then do a GET on /v3/batch/:id where :id is the batch_id value. The GET request must contain the same app_id and app_key headers as the POST to /v3/batch.

The GET response has the following fields:

Field Type Description
keys string[] all the url keys present in the originating batch request
results object an OCR result for each key that has been processed

Process images as a batch with v3/text behavior

The ocr_behavior param can be set to text to enable images to be processed with v3/text behavior. As with batch, all params can either be set at the top level or set individually.

Setting ocr_behavior and other v3/text params at the top level

  "urls": {
    "inverted": "",
    "algebra": ""
  "ocr_behavior": "text",
  "formats": ["text", "html", "data"],
  "data_options": { "include_asciimath": true }

Setting ocr_behavior and other v3/text params individually.

  "urls": {
    "inverted": {
      "url": "",
      "ocr_behavior": "text",
      "formats": ["text", "html", "data"],
      "data_options": { "include_asciimath": true }
    "algebra": {
      "url": "",
      "ocr_behavior": "text",
      "formats": ["text", "html", "data"],
      "data_options": { "include_asciimath": true }

Make a batch request with v3/text behavior.

curl -X POST \
-H "app_id: APP_ID" \
-H "app_key: APP_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{
  "urls": {
    "inverted": "",
    "algebra": ""
  "ocr_behavior": "text",
  "formats": ["text", "html", "data"],
  "data_options": { "include_asciimath": true }

import requests
import json

base_url = ""

r =
        "urls": {
            "algebra": base_url + "algebra.jpg",
            "inverted": base_url + "inverted.jpg"
        "ocr_behavior": "text",
        "formats": ["text", "html", "data"],
        "data_options": { "include_asciimath": True }
        "app_id": "APP_ID",
        "app_key": "APP_KEY",
        "content-type": "application/json"
reply = r.json()
assert "batch_id" in reply

The response to the batch is a positive integer value for batch_id.

  "batch_id": "17"

The response to GET /v3/batch/17 is below when the batch has completed. Before completion the "results" field may be empty or contain only one of the two results.

  "keys": ["inverted", "algebra"],
  "results": {
    "inverted": {
      "request_id": "2022_11_14_f985002323de848eb848g",
      "version": "RSK-M104",
      "image_width": 676,
      "image_height": 340,
      "is_printed": true,
      "is_handwritten": false,
      "auto_rotate_confidence": 0.0008788120718712378,
      "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
      "confidence": 1,
      "confidence_rate": 1,
      "text": "\\( x^{2}+y^{2}=9 \\)",
      "html": "<div><span class=\"math-inline \">\n<asciimath style=\"display: none;\">x^(2)+y^(2)=9</asciimath></span></div>\n",
      "data": [
          "type": "asciimath",
          "value": "x^(2)+y^(2)=9"
    "algebra": {
      "request_id": "2022_11_14_f985002323de848eb848g",
      "version": "RSK-M104",
      "image_width": 1381,
      "image_height": 209,
      "is_printed": false,
      "is_handwritten": true,
      "auto_rotate_confidence": 0,
      "auto_rotate_degrees": 0,
      "confidence": 1,
      "confidence_rate": 1,
      "text": "\\( 12+5 x-8=12 x-10 \\)",
      "html": "<div><span class=\"math-inline \">\n<asciimath style=\"display: none;\">12+5x-8=12 x-10</asciimath></span></div>\n",
      "data": [
          "type": "asciimath",
          "value": "12+5x-8=12 x-10"

Callback object

Field Type Description
post string url to post results
reply (optional) object data to send in reply to batch POST
body (optional) object data to send with results
headers (optional) object headers to use when posting results

Supported image types

Mathpix supports image types compatible with OpenCV, including:

Error handling

All requests will return error and error_info fields if an argument is missing or incorrect, or if some problem happens while processing the request. The error field contains an en-us string describing the error. The error_info field contains an object providing programmatic information.

Error info object

Field Type Description
id string specifies the error id (see below)
message string error message
detail (optional) object Additional error info

Error id strings

Id Description Detail fields HTTP Status
http_unauthorized Invalid credentials 401
http_max_requests Too many requests count 429
json_syntax JSON syntax error 200
image_missing Missing URL in request body 200
image_download_error Error downloading image url 200
image_decode_error Cannot decode the image data 200
image_no_content No content found in image 200
image_not_supported Image is not math or text 200
image_max_size Image is too large to process 200
strokes_missing Missing strokes in request body 200
strokes_syntax_error Incorrect JSON or strokes format 200
strokes_no_content No content found in strokes 200
opts_bad_callback Bad callback field(s) post?, reply?, batch_id? 200
opts_unknown_ocr Unknown ocr option(s) ocr 200
opts_unknown_format Unknown format option(s) formats 200
opts_number_required Option must be a number name,value 200
opts_value_out_of_range Value not in accepted range name,value 200
pdf_encrypted PDF is encrypted and not readable 200
pdf_unknown_id PDF ID expired or isn't 200
pdf_missing Request sent without url field 200
pdf_page_limit_exceeded PDF exceeds maximum page limit 200
math_confidence Low confidence 200
math_syntax Unrecognized math 200
batch_unknown_id Unknown batch id batch_id 200
sys_exception Server error 200
sys_request_too_large Max request size is 5mb for images and 512kb for strokes 200


Example of a request with the extra privacy setting:

  "metadata": {
    "improve_mathpix": false

By default we make images accessible to our QA team so that we can make improvements.

We also provide an extra privacy option which ensures that no image data or derived information is ever persisted to disk, and no data is available to Mathpix's QA team (we still track the request and how long the request took to complete). Simply add a metadata object to the main request body with the improve_mathpix field set to false (by default it is true). Note that this option means that images and results will not be accessible via our dashboard (

Long division

Response for image on the left side:

  "detection_map": {
    "contains_chart": 0,
    "contains_diagram": 0,
    "contains_geometry": 0,
    "contains_graph": 0,
    "contains_table": 0,
    "is_inverted": 0,
    "is_not_math": 0,
    "is_printed": 1
  "latex_normal": "8 \\longdiv { 7200 }"

We use the special markup \longdiv to represent long division; it is the only nonvalid Latex markup we return. Long division is used much like \sqrt which is visually similar.

Latency considerations

The biggest source of latency is image uploads. The speed of a response from Mathpix API servers is roughly proportional to the size of the image. Try to use images under 100kb for maximum speeds. JPEG compression and image downsizing are recommended to ensure lowest possible latencies.

Supported math commands

Mathpix can generate any of the following LaTeX commands:

\# \$ \% \& \AA
\Delta \Gamma \Im \Lambda \Leftarrow
\Leftrightarrow \Longleftarrow \Longleftrightarrow \Longrightarrow \Omega
\Perp \Phi \Pi \Psi \Re
\Rightarrow \S \Sigma \Theta \Upsilon
\Varangle \Vdash \Xi \\ \aleph
\alpha \angle \approx \asymp \atop
\backslash \because \begin \beta \beth
\bigcap \bigcirc \bigcup \bigodot \bigoplus
\bigotimes \biguplus \bigvee \bigwedge \boldsymbol
\bot \bowtie \breve \bullet \cap
\cdot \cdots \check \chi \circ
\circlearrowleft \circlearrowright \circledast \cline \complement
\cong \coprod \cup \curlyvee \curlywedge
\curvearrowleft \curvearrowright \dagger \dashv \dddot
\ddot \ddots \delta \diamond \div
\dot \doteq \dots \downarrow \ell
\emptyset \end \epsilon \equiv \eta
\exists \fallingdotseq \forall \frac \frown
\gamma \geq \geqq \geqslant \gg
\ggg \gtrless \gtrsim \hat \hbar
\hline \hookleftarrow \hookrightarrow \imath \in
\infty \int \iota \jmath \kappa
\lambda \langle \lceil \ldots \leadsto
\leftarrow \leftleftarrows \leftrightarrow \leftrightarrows \leftrightharpoons
\leq \leqq \leqslant \lessdot \lessgtr
\lesssim \lfloor \ll \llbracket \llcorner
\lll \longdiv \longleftarrow \longleftrightarrow \longmapsto
\longrightarrow \lrcorner \ltimes \mapsto \mathbb
\mathbf \mathcal \mathfrak \mathrm \mathscr
\mho \models \mp \mu \multicolumn
\multimap \multirow \nVdash \nabla \nearrow
\neg \neq \newline \nexists \ni
\nmid \not \notin \nprec \npreceq
\nsim \nsubseteq \nsucc \nsucceq \nsupseteq
\nu \nvdash \nwarrow \odot \oiiint
\oiint \oint \omega \ominus \operatorname
\oplus \oslash \otimes \overbrace \overleftarrow
\overleftrightarrow \overline \parallel \partial \perp
\phi \pi \pitchfork \pm \prec
\preccurlyeq \preceq \precsim \prime \prod
\propto \psi \qquad \quad \rangle
\rceil \rfloor \rho \rightarrow \rightleftarrows
\rightleftharpoons \rightrightarrows \rightsquigarrow \risingdotseq \rrbracket
\rtimes \searrow \sigma \sim \simeq
\smile \sqcap \sqcup \sqrt \sqsubset
\sqsubseteq \sqsupset \sqsupseteq \square \stackrel
\star \subset \subseteq \subsetneq \succ
\succcurlyeq \succeq \succsim \sum \supset
\supseteq \supseteqq \supsetneq \supsetneqq \swarrow
\tau \textrm \therefore \theta \tilde
\times \top \triangle \triangleleft \triangleq
\triangleright \underbrace \underline \underset \unlhd
\unrhd \uparrow \uplus \vDash \varepsilon
\varliminf \varlimsup \varnothing \varphi \varpi
\varrho \varsigma \varsubsetneqq \vartheta \vdash
\vdots \vec \vee \wedge \widehat
\widetilde \wp \xi \zeta \{
\| \}